Please! No DIY Speech Therapy!

Possibly the most wondrous and complicated accomplishment of humans is the development of speech and language. And because the processes involved in the development of speech and language are so complex, they sometimes don’t develop normally and naturally.

The role family members, especially parents, play in speech and language development is critical and can’t be emphasized enough. As a matter of fact, it is so important that natural language development will be the topic of an upcoming blog! 

Orange Chat Bubble

In the meantime, communicate with your child in the family’s natural environments, especially at home. It is the warm, affectionate, and spontaneous daily interactions with your child that are key to speech and language development. But remember, sometimes speech and language don’t development normally and naturally. This doesn’t mean you did anything wrong; sometimes it just happens that way. So, what do you do or not do?

Here we are on the internet and my advise to you is NOT to try do-it-yourself home therapy programs that you might find on the internet. Valuable resources are available on the internet (such as TheSpeechDoc, of course), but I urge you not to try to be the speech therapist for your child! Yes, parents and the home environment are important parts of any successful speech therapy program, but it is essential that the therapy and home programs be developed and directed by a ‘real’ speech therapist. By the way, if your child has speech and language difficulties or problems, well-meaning family and friends shouldn’t act as your child’s therapist either. They may have good intentions, but they don’t have the specialized knowledge and training that your child needs.

So, what are your options for speech therapy in North Texas? There are several different therapy settings in several different types of facilities available to families of children with speech and language problems. Here are the best options available for Wichita Falls and the surrounding area.


Speech therapy may look or sound easy, but it isn’t. Therapists much have at least a master’s degree and be licensed by the state of Texas. Private practitioners are excellent sources of help for your child. We are typically experienced, competent, and have worked with a wide range of individual ages and problems. Therapy is highly individualized and provided in one-on-one sessions and family-therapist contact is at its best. 

The internet is a good place to find a private practice speech-language pathologist. You have a lot of information available to you to help you make an informed decision about what or who is best for your child. Some private practice therapists still list in the yellow pages of the phone book and physicians sometimes make referrals to therapists in private practice.


Public schools districts and special education cooperatives employ speech therapists in our area and many children are eligible for speech therapy services under federal and state special education law. Children may be eligible for services beginning at age 3 and you may contact the special education director or department or a speech-language pathologist in your district for more information.

It is important to realize that it doesn’t have to be ‘either-or’ between school and private speech therapy. Many children receive services from both providers and it typically works very well. Coordination of the private and public programs is possible and desirable.


The North Texas Rehabilitation Center offers speech therapy as well as a variety of other rehabilitative services. 


Midwestern State University does not have a speech-language pathology training program and, therefore, there is no university clinic available. University clinics are available at Texas Woman’s University and the University of North Texas in Denton, but that’s a long way to go when quality services are available in Wichita Falls from other sources.


Speech therapy services are available in area hospitals, but this is not usually a therapy venue for children with developmental speech and language delays or disorders. 

Remember, information is always free, or at least it should be, so don’t ever, ever, ever, be afraid to ask! That’s what we’re here for! It is your child’s communication well-being that is at stake and information is important to help you find the right therapist in the right setting for you and your child.

Contact me today to learn more!